Tải Game NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits APK MOD 100% Thành Công

Tải Game NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits APK MOD 100% Thành Công

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Tải Game NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits APK MOD 100% Thành Công

NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits APK v1.25

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Application Information

Name NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits
Package Name com.overthetopgames.nyxquest
Publisher Over the Top Games
Category Adventure
Version 1.25
Size 97M
Price FREE
Request Android 5.0

NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits APK will take you to a hot 90 degrees Celsius Earth where everything can burn even a pair of fairy wings. Follow a touching friendship, and save the world from destruction with the fairy Nyx.

  • Introducing NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits
    • Plot
    • This is a game where speed is not everything
    • Graphics and sound
  • Download NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits APK for Android

Introducing NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits

Small wings in the burning hot world


It all happened a long time ago. According to Greek mythology. A young man named Icarus, because he wanted to freely fly high, explore everything around him, so he made himself a pair of wings from feathers and beeswax. With wings he flew to the clouds, and crept to a mysterious kingdom between the heavens. Here, he had the opportunity to meet Nyx, a fairy, beautiful, intelligent, graceful with fragile wings.

At first, the two quickly became close friends. But since one is a mortal and the other is a fairy, they can only meet in the morning. When night falls, both the mysterious kingdom between the heavens and Nyx will disappear without a trace.

NyxQuest Kindred Spirits MOD by APKMODY 1440x810

Both are still in peace, happy with the fate of God for that. Until one day, a terrible disaster struck the Earth. The sun suddenly became violent, shining bright sunlight and releasing a terrible heat that burned everything and all species on Earth. Icarus wanted to meet Nyx, but when he tried to fly, his wings were melted by the heat of the sun, and he fell to the ground countless times. Day after day, without seeing his soulmate coming, Nyx decided to defy the rules of Olympus and flew down to the earth to find Icarus. Nyx’s adventure begins here.

Despite carrying fairy bones, when she arrived on Earth, Nyx was greatly damaged by the terrible heat of the sun. Each flight, Nyx can only flap her wings 5 ​​times maximum, and if she hits any point on the ground that has turned into the scorching hot sand desert of the Earth, she will disappear forever. The little fairy Nyx, in addition to the available flying and pushing skills, later, when collecting many items and passing a few levels, will have many other skills such as moving objects in many directions. telekinesis, control the wind direction (The Power of Wind), create thunder (Little Ray of sunshine)…

This is a game where speed is not everything

On her adventure to find friends, Nyx has to go through a lot of obstacles, difficulties, traps and a series of difficult puzzles. The skillful combination of existing skills and sharp judgment will help you get through and complete the scene. There are challenging situations that are not in the strength but in the logical thinking of the player. For example, there is a scene where Nyx will have to find a way through a series of hot sandblasts from underground, these eruptions are so high that flying over is a failure. So you will need to use the skill of moving objects to push a large wooden crate, cover the sandblasting hole above the ground, fly over and continue to find a place to push the crate to cover the next hole.

NyxQuest Kindred Spirits for Android 1440x810

Play this game, it looks easy and the pace is quite slow, but to play for a long time and really dive into the adventure, you must not only go right, do it right, but also have to combine a lot of factors: thinking logic, judgment, quick control and keen observation. Your first thing when a road appears in front of you, is not to finish it, but to look carefully around for any traps and objects. Each item that appears in NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits is intended for a certain purpose, is more or less beneficial and will help you escape the pitfalls that await. Just observe carefully and judge a little, everything will be much more favorable.

Graphics and sound

Not to mention the visuals, just listening to the first tunes played in the game is enough for you to imagine a perfect scene about to be seen. A little hum, a little wail, a little sadness predicts countless difficulties and a touching story of friendship. The sound effects also do their job quite well when describing the Nyx encounters with vultures, giant snakes, large and small pitfalls in the game.

Then go into the game, you will understand why NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits since its launch has always been in the top of the favorite adventure games on Google Play. The scenery and character creation in NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits are extremely attractive. All use an earthy orange tone as the main theme, true to the spirit of the Earth being burned by the heat of the Sun. In the desolate landscape of the apocalypse, the small body of the fairy Nyx appeared lonely and lonely. Although she is just a fairy with tiny wings appearing out of place in the midst of that frustrating scene, Nyx’s every movement, step, and flapping of wings are shown in a meticulous and detailed manner. You try to see how Nyx pushes an earthen pot or a wooden block on the way, it is very real. Hard to believe mobile games can be so beautiful.

NyxQuest Kindred Spirits screenshot 1440x810

The pitfalls in the game are quite rich, the bizarre animals that hunt Nyx are not very diverse, but because it is only an extra point for difficult puzzle situations, it is temporarily acceptable. The most important is still the control of Nyx and how you overcome the traps and obstacles in the game.

Download NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits APK for Android

Latch, NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits, a fun platforming game. The tempo is moderate, not fast, but full of contemplation and must be actively observed and judged to find the optimal way for the character. Let’s take a trip to Earth with the fairy Nyx.

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Tải Game NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits APK MOD 100% Thành Công

NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits APK v1.25

Last update


NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits APK will take you to a hot 90 degrees Celsius Earth where everything can burn even a pair of fairy wings. Follow a touching friendship, and save the world from destruction with the fairy Nyx.

  • Introducing NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits
    • Plot
    • This is a game where speed is not everything
    • Graphics and sound
  • Download NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits APK for Android

Introducing NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits

Small wings in the burning hot world


It all happened a long time ago. According to Greek mythology. A young man named Icarus, because he wanted to freely fly high, explore everything around him, so he made himself a pair of wings from feathers and beeswax. With wings he flew to the clouds, and crept to a mysterious kingdom between the heavens. Here, he had the opportunity to meet Nyx, a fairy, beautiful, intelligent, graceful with fragile wings.

At first, the two quickly became close friends. But since one is a mortal and the other is a fairy, they can only meet in the morning. When night falls, both the mysterious kingdom between the heavens and Nyx will disappear without a trace.

NyxQuest Kindred Spirits MOD by APKMODY 1440x810

Both are still in peace, happy with the fate of God for that. Until one day, a terrible disaster struck the Earth. The sun suddenly became violent, shining bright sunlight and releasing a terrible heat that burned everything and all species on Earth. Icarus wanted to meet Nyx, but when he tried to fly, his wings were melted by the heat of the sun, and he fell to the ground countless times. Day after day, without seeing his soulmate coming, Nyx decided to defy the rules of Olympus and flew down to the earth to find Icarus. Nyx’s adventure begins here.

Despite carrying fairy bones, when she arrived on Earth, Nyx was greatly damaged by the terrible heat of the sun. Each flight, Nyx can only flap her wings 5 ​​times maximum, and if she hits any point on the ground that has turned into the scorching hot sand desert of the Earth, she will disappear forever. The little fairy Nyx, in addition to the available flying and pushing skills, later, when collecting many items and passing a few levels, will have many other skills such as moving objects in many directions. telekinesis, control the wind direction (The Power of Wind), create thunder (Little Ray of sunshine)…

This is a game where speed is not everything

On her adventure to find friends, Nyx has to go through a lot of obstacles, difficulties, traps and a series of difficult puzzles. The skillful combination of existing skills and sharp judgment will help you get through and complete the scene. There are challenging situations that are not in the strength but in the logical thinking of the player. For example, there is a scene where Nyx will have to find a way through a series of hot sandblasts from underground, these eruptions are so high that flying over is a failure. So you will need to use the skill of moving objects to push a large wooden crate, cover the sandblasting hole above the ground, fly over and continue to find a place to push the crate to cover the next hole.

NyxQuest Kindred Spirits for Android 1440x810

Play this game, it looks easy and the pace is quite slow, but to play for a long time and really dive into the adventure, you must not only go right, do it right, but also have to combine a lot of factors: thinking logic, judgment, quick control and keen observation. Your first thing when a road appears in front of you, is not to finish it, but to look carefully around for any traps and objects. Each item that appears in NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits is intended for a certain purpose, is more or less beneficial and will help you escape the pitfalls that await. Just observe carefully and judge a little, everything will be much more favorable.

Graphics and sound

Not to mention the visuals, just listening to the first tunes played in the game is enough for you to imagine a perfect scene about to be seen. A little hum, a little wail, a little sadness predicts countless difficulties and a touching story of friendship. The sound effects also do their job quite well when describing the Nyx encounters with vultures, giant snakes, large and small pitfalls in the game.

Then go into the game, you will understand why NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits since its launch has always been in the top of the favorite adventure games on Google Play. The scenery and character creation in NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits are extremely attractive. All use an earthy orange tone as the main theme, true to the spirit of the Earth being burned by the heat of the Sun. In the desolate landscape of the apocalypse, the small body of the fairy Nyx appeared lonely and lonely. Although she is just a fairy with tiny wings appearing out of place in the midst of that frustrating scene, Nyx’s every movement, step, and flapping of wings are shown in a meticulous and detailed manner. You try to see how Nyx pushes an earthen pot or a wooden block on the way, it is very real. Hard to believe mobile games can be so beautiful.

NyxQuest Kindred Spirits screenshot 1440x810

The pitfalls in the game are quite rich, the bizarre animals that hunt Nyx are not very diverse, but because it is only an extra point for difficult puzzle situations, it is temporarily acceptable. The most important is still the control of Nyx and how you overcome the traps and obstacles in the game.

Download NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits APK for Android

Latch, NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits, a fun platforming game. The tempo is moderate, not fast, but full of contemplation and must be actively observed and judged to find the optimal way for the character. Let’s take a trip to Earth with the fairy Nyx.

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