Tải Game LIMBO APK MOD 100% Thành Công

Tải Game LIMBO APK MOD 100% Thành Công

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Tải Game LIMBO APK MOD 100% Thành Công


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Application Information

Package Name com.playdead.limbo.full
Publisher Playdead
Category Adventure
Version 1.20
Size 141M
Price FREE $4.99
Request Android 4.4

Download LIMBO APK Full Version and you will enter a completely different world. Only darkness and fear follow…

  • About LIMBO
    • Story
    • Style play
    • Graphics and sound
  • LIMBO Full APK Version
    • What is LIMBO APK Full version?
    • Why should you choose the Full APK version?
  • How to install the game LIMBO
  • Download game LIMBO APK for Android


LIMBO is a horror game combining puzzle adventure produced and first released by PlayDead in 2011 on the XBOX 360 system, a year later the game was developed on PC and quickly received by all gamers. take. In early 2015 after a stormy period, the first mobile version of LIMBO also reached gamers and was released completely free of charge.


Regardless of day or night, darkness always covers and follows every step of LIMBO, the roads are full of pitfalls, death is everywhere, but that’s why the mysteries of hidden power and the path. His front is gradually revealed. LIMBO is a weak homeless boy with a thin body, lacking in family affection and growing up in a brutal wartime, he has no relatives by his side. In the dark, death and despair thought to be near, but LIMBO did not surrender to fate, the desire to live led the boy to start a journey to escape the dark land and find the light. light of life…


As an adventure game genre mixed with challenging puzzles, the LIMBO game draws players deep into the content of the journey. Opening with a desolate black-and-white scene, echoing screams, escaping silhouettes, death everywhere, the boy came to a dark and dark corner. Just like that, the figure of that nun still steadfastly moved forward despite heavy breathing and footsteps with the task of finding a terrifying solution in the dark land full of death with no end.

Style play

The game has no instructions or dialogue at all. Just an endless journey where you will play the role of Limbo boy searching for light amidst the dark darkness and full of monsters and traps that appear continuously through the lands that LIMBO sets foot on. Transform into a LIMBO, your task is to control the boy running, jumping, pulling obstacles and swinging rope, through the moving keys available on the screen.


LIMBO has no level at all, you will go, go forever to pass through forests, swim through rivers, abandoned houses throughout from beginning to end of the game where the deaths are horrible and terrible. waiting for you like being swallowed by a shark, crushed by a rock, a guillotine or repeated by sharp spears, giving you a gloomy feeling of despair and no end. If you are accidentally defeated, you will return to the location you passed before to start the journey again.


Throughout the game, your main enemies will be deep holes, tall trees, lakes, abysses, sharp tunnels and the most terrifying are giant poisonous spiders. It will be very difficult to overcome these obstacles, so the game requires you to have the ability to think continuously as well as the ability to handle situations quickly and awake to quickly overcome that. is the only way to survive for you.

Graphics and sound

With 2 main colors in the game are black & white and a fanciful space to help you easily get used to the gameplay at first sight. The keys to move back and forth, jump high are arranged simply to be easy to operate even for new players experiencing the game for the first time. The blurred fog effect as well as the death effect of the game character on each road increase the appeal of the game to players.


In terms of sound, the game has no background music, only the main character’s pounding and heavy footsteps, sometimes you can hear the sound of pouring rain, crickets, cold wind, sound. Scary crow… gives you chills every second. The strange quietness in the game is also appreciated for bringing artistic value and making a difference that no other game has.

LIMBO Full APK Version

What is LIMBO APK Full version?

Is the version that has been purchased by APKMODY. You will enjoy the full game when you download and play this version.

Why should you choose the Full APK version?

Simply, because instead of having to spend $ 5 to buy the game, you can play it completely for free.

How to install the game LIMBO

Step 1: Download APK and OBB of LIMBO

Step 2: Extract the obb file com.playdead.limbo.full.zip, copy the folder com.playdead.limbo.full to the Android/obb path on the phone.

Note: Make sure that the com.playdead.limbo.full folder contains the main.xxx.com.playdead.limbo.full.obb file.

Step 3: Install the APK file to the phone.

Step 4: Open the game and experience!

Download game LIMBO APK for Android

In general, LIMBO or any other Playdead game is haunting about darkness and death, but the human meaning in their games is also extremely deep. LIMBO is available on 2 operating systems iOS and Android. So what are you waiting for without quickly downloading the game to your mobile phone to discover new things and the challenges and conquests of this journey right now!

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Tải Game LIMBO APK MOD 100% Thành Công


Last update


Download LIMBO APK Full Version and you will enter a completely different world. Only darkness and fear follow…

  • About LIMBO
    • Story
    • Style play
    • Graphics and sound
  • LIMBO Full APK Version
    • What is LIMBO APK Full version?
    • Why should you choose the Full APK version?
  • How to install the game LIMBO
  • Download game LIMBO APK for Android


LIMBO is a horror game combining puzzle adventure produced and first released by PlayDead in 2011 on the XBOX 360 system, a year later the game was developed on PC and quickly received by all gamers. take. In early 2015 after a stormy period, the first mobile version of LIMBO also reached gamers and was released completely free of charge.


Regardless of day or night, darkness always covers and follows every step of LIMBO, the roads are full of pitfalls, death is everywhere, but that’s why the mysteries of hidden power and the path. His front is gradually revealed. LIMBO is a weak homeless boy with a thin body, lacking in family affection and growing up in a brutal wartime, he has no relatives by his side. In the dark, death and despair thought to be near, but LIMBO did not surrender to fate, the desire to live led the boy to start a journey to escape the dark land and find the light. light of life…


As an adventure game genre mixed with challenging puzzles, the LIMBO game draws players deep into the content of the journey. Opening with a desolate black-and-white scene, echoing screams, escaping silhouettes, death everywhere, the boy came to a dark and dark corner. Just like that, the figure of that nun still steadfastly moved forward despite heavy breathing and footsteps with the task of finding a terrifying solution in the dark land full of death with no end.

Style play

The game has no instructions or dialogue at all. Just an endless journey where you will play the role of Limbo boy searching for light amidst the dark darkness and full of monsters and traps that appear continuously through the lands that LIMBO sets foot on. Transform into a LIMBO, your task is to control the boy running, jumping, pulling obstacles and swinging rope, through the moving keys available on the screen.


LIMBO has no level at all, you will go, go forever to pass through forests, swim through rivers, abandoned houses throughout from beginning to end of the game where the deaths are horrible and terrible. waiting for you like being swallowed by a shark, crushed by a rock, a guillotine or repeated by sharp spears, giving you a gloomy feeling of despair and no end. If you are accidentally defeated, you will return to the location you passed before to start the journey again.


Throughout the game, your main enemies will be deep holes, tall trees, lakes, abysses, sharp tunnels and the most terrifying are giant poisonous spiders. It will be very difficult to overcome these obstacles, so the game requires you to have the ability to think continuously as well as the ability to handle situations quickly and awake to quickly overcome that. is the only way to survive for you.

Graphics and sound

With 2 main colors in the game are black & white and a fanciful space to help you easily get used to the gameplay at first sight. The keys to move back and forth, jump high are arranged simply to be easy to operate even for new players experiencing the game for the first time. The blurred fog effect as well as the death effect of the game character on each road increase the appeal of the game to players.


In terms of sound, the game has no background music, only the main character’s pounding and heavy footsteps, sometimes you can hear the sound of pouring rain, crickets, cold wind, sound. Scary crow… gives you chills every second. The strange quietness in the game is also appreciated for bringing artistic value and making a difference that no other game has.

LIMBO Full APK Version

What is LIMBO APK Full version?

Is the version that has been purchased by APKMODY. You will enjoy the full game when you download and play this version.

Why should you choose the Full APK version?

Simply, because instead of having to spend $ 5 to buy the game, you can play it completely for free.

How to install the game LIMBO

Step 1: Download APK and OBB of LIMBO

Step 2: Extract the obb file com.playdead.limbo.full.zip, copy the folder com.playdead.limbo.full to the Android/obb path on the phone.

Note: Make sure that the com.playdead.limbo.full folder contains the main.xxx.com.playdead.limbo.full.obb file.

Step 3: Install the APK file to the phone.

Step 4: Open the game and experience!

Download game LIMBO APK for Android

In general, LIMBO or any other Playdead game is haunting about darkness and death, but the human meaning in their games is also extremely deep. LIMBO is available on 2 operating systems iOS and Android. So what are you waiting for without quickly downloading the game to your mobile phone to discover new things and the challenges and conquests of this journey right now!

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